A Sound Of Thunder Discussion Questions And Answers

[GET] A Sound Of Thunder Discussion Questions And Answers

Humans today often consider their actions as isolated moments, but perhaps Bradbury wanted us to consider the future repercussions of how we act today. This idea could be applied to a variety of present day issues, such as war and peace in international relations, global warming and environmentalism, and the economic systems that we participate in. The answer to this question should address the timeline of the poem, articulating that this is the only time that the house directly addresses one of its residents, Mrs.

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A Sound Of Thunder By Ray Bradburry Quiz

The answer should also mention the sun's healing and life giving properties. The answer to this question should recount the many times that things are named and then renamed in the story. The answer should also connect the action of renaming to recalling memories of home, like the colony's use of the names Roosevelt, Ford, and Rockefeller. Lastly, the answer could connect the centrality of identity to the naming process. Use textual examples in your critique. The answer to this question is largely based on the respondent's personal thoughts and opinions. In addition to the personal thoughts, the answer should include a description of how the family handled their last night. They were calm and did everything as they would normally do it.

A Sound of Thunder Discussion Questions

They did not try to do anything out of the ordinary, which is contrary to the belief that the last moments should be dedicated to something extraordinary. The answer to this question could address a variety of possible factors drawing the monster towards the lighthouse. Regardless of how the answer speculates, it should discuss the themes of loneliness and companionship. Additionally, the answer should address why the monster retreats and then comes back annually, even after it realizes that the noise is being emitted from an inanimate object. While our society is not as extreme as the society described, there are some similarities that the answer should detail, such as our attachment to technology and tendency to spend too much time indoors.

A Sound of Thunder - Short Stories (Fiction) - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

Many doctors and experts are criticizing our population as a group that spends too much time inside rather than participating in more traditional activities, such as walking, reading, or spending quality time with others. Additionally, this answer should acknowledge the differences alongside the similarities mentioned in the beginning of the answer - we are not as far along in terms of technological advancement. Use "I See You Never" in your response. An effective answer will combine both a personal experience and the example from "I See You Never.

Ray Bradbury: Short Stories Summary and Analysis of "A Sound of Thunder"

Rodriguez confuses his diction of "I'll never see you again," and the others around him are unable to effectively understand him. The student should consider times when they tried to communicate with friends or family, but they were unable to express themselves as they wished. This question primarily corresponds to "The Flying Machine," where the inventor of a flying machine is executed because of the potential risks the machine poses to society. The answer to this question should consider the ethical dilemma of technological innovation and how to regulate it, as well as if it should be regulated at all.

A Sound of Thunder studyguide

A good answer to this question should include not only the student's personal reflections on the question, but also specific examples from the short story that back up their opinion.

a sound of thunder discussion questions

Include all group members' names at the top of the document. Use the Internet, the resources on the class website, and your textbook to answer the questions below Split the work equally between group members Part I: Analysis: 1. What is Eckel's major flaw? What does Travis represent in the story? How does our society act like Eckel's at times? To what extent are mistakes the responsibility of those who make them? When is it OK to not take responsibility for your actions? Travis tells the hunters not to leave the Path for any reason. What does his warning foreshadow?

A Sound of Thunder: Vocabulary and Study Guide Flashcard

How does the sequence of the story differ from chronological sequence? In lines , Lesperance explains how carefully the company prepares for its safaris. In what way is this information an example of foreshadowing?

a sound of thunder comprehension questions

An interactive data visualization of A Sound of Thunder's plot and themes. A voracious reader, Bradbury decided to become a writer around the age of After finishing high school, however, Bradbury could not afford to attend college and instead educated himself by reading at the public library. Bradbury was not drafted due to his poor vision and managed to become a full-time writer during the war. He published his first collection of short stories, Dark Carnival, in Bradbury published his best-known work, Fahrenheit , in Bradbury also wrote numerous screenplays and television adaptations of books, including his own works.

"A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury

He won many literary awards during his long career. Bradbury reportedly wrote daily throughout his life, allowing him to publish over 30 books and more than short stories. He passed away at the age of 91, leaving behind his daughters and several grandchildren. The United States, fresh from its conflict with Nazi Germany, now feared the expansion of the communist Soviet Union and the possibility of nuclear warfare. Wells, published in , which deals with a trip to the future rather than the past. Arthur C. Failed adaptation.


But back to the questions at hand: if we went back, and took different actions, would there be different effects through time? Would we affect and be affected by people differently? What would the outcome be? His entire repertoire of stories is about humanity struggling between advancing, while attempting to retain what makes them human. Set in , a company called Time Safari, Inc. A hunter, Eckels, pays the price, excited to go shoot some dinosaurs.

a sound of thunder questions and answers

While waiting for the trip to start, Eckels meets a company employee and they get to talking. Speaking about the recent election, it is mentioned that Keith, the moderate presidential candidate was elected over Deutscher, an anti-everything man. If the election was different, people would be running to the time machine. The conversation ends when Travis, the tour guide, and his assistant Lesperance eventually meet Eckels.

A Sound of Thunder (short story)

Together, along with two other hunters, Billings and Kramer, get into the time machine. When they arrive, Travis makes it clear: shoot only the dinosaurs marked, and stay on the path, made out of anti-gravity metal. Explained in detail, it is said that they are on a path that hovers above the ground in order to keep them from accidentally messing anything up in the past. They were going to die soon anyway! A sound of thunder is heard, and they see a T-Rex. He stepped off the path. To try and make things right, Eckels goes back to collect the bullets. Travis threatens to kill Eckels, but instead they just clean up and go back to the present.

A Sound Of Thunder Worksheets

When they get back to the present, things seem… off. The man behind the desk at Time Safari, Inc. A sign on the wall is spelled differently. Panicking, Eckels checks his boots. Turns out, Deutscher won the election, a man whom they believe will be a dictator. But instead, Travis comes into the room and shoots him. The two things that cause giant turns in the story. The butterfly Eckels kills is easy—the butterfly effect. Also, butterflies represent freedom , a freedom he killed when his actions changed the outcome of the election. The bullets represent the disturbance of the past, and future, all at once. Choices and actions that might seem insignificant upon first glance might end up being far more serious than expected. And the advances of things like technology can have serious repercussions. Despite the precautions, and the advancement of it all, they cannot help the small things. From author interviews to how literature meets gaming to expert insight into tools and writing processes, her dedication to helping our author community is quite inspiring.

Ray Bradbury: Short Stories Essay Questions

Prepare a projector and computers with PowerPoint software, or other presentation technology tool, and the Time Travel PowerPoint Presentations. Copy the Design Your Presentation printables for each student. Further the discussion and ask for a few volunteers to share what they learned from Lesson Two's group activity. Step 2: Share with the students that they will create their own Time Travel Writing Presentations today. Ask for a volunteer to share the information from his or her graphic organizer, then model for students how to turn their answers into text for their presentation using PowerPoint or a similar program. Allow students enough time to research their time periods and outline all the textual information for their presentation. Days Step 1: Distribute the printable Design Your Presentation Directions to each student, instructing the students to follow along while they observe.

A Sound of Thunder

Allow time for students to write down any ideas they have for their own presentation on the back of their handout. Step 2: In your computer lab or using classroom computers, allow time for students to design their presentation using the Design Your Presentation Directions handout. Instruct students to compare their presentations with their Sample Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation printable to make sure they have covered all the required steps when finished.

Creating a Literary Response Presentation to "A Sound of Thunder"

You may want to have students work in pairs to evaluate each presentation with the rubric. Days Step 1: Share with the students that today they will begin presenting their Time Travel Writing Presentations to the class. Using your computer lab or classroom computer with projector, ask for volunteers to begin sharing their project. Students should hand you their Sample Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation printable before presenting so that you can evaluate the presentation as they share. Step 2: Close the lesson by asking students to share their thoughts, feelings, and questions about creating their own Time Travel Writing Presentations.

Practice exam question for AQA Paper 1 based on 'A Sound of Thunder' by Ray Bradbury

Home Connections Ask students to share their assignments with their parents. Post Instructional Did students understand the steps necessary to complete a PowerPoint presentation? How could you use PowerPoint software, or new technologies, in other lessons? Teacher Observation: How well were the students able to clearly present their presentation? How creative were their slides? Did they clearly explain their time travel expedition?

Story Symbolism: A Sound of Thunder

On the following three slides are three sets of questions. Please answer the questions using complete sentences and thorough and thoughtful answers. Why has Eckels come to the Time Safari office? What does he plan to do? Describe what happens after the party enters the Machine. Summarize the rules the hunters are told to follow and the reasons Travis gives for those rules. How does Eckels react when the T-Rex appears? Briefly describe what he and the other men do.

a sound of thunder

What do the men discover when they return from their trip? What do you think might be so appealing about the service Time Safari offers? What feelings does Eckels experience during his first journey in the Machine? Use evidence to support your answer. In your opinion, why do Eckels and the other men react the way they do when the T-Rex appears? Why do you think Eckels and Travis are so dismayed by the changes they find on their return? Explain your answer. Within the fictional made-up world that Bradbury has created, do events seem to occur in a logical, predictable way? Support your answer with specific examples from the story. Considering how risky the activities of Time Safari are, what reasons might the company have for staying in business? Identify at least three metaphors the author used to describe the T-rex. What two things are being compared in each metaphor? How do these metaphors help you visualize the monster?

a sound of thunder answers

If it were possible to travel to the past in order to change the future, what might you want to change? Related documents.

Nat 5 ‘A Sound of Thunder’

Eckles expresses relief over the election results as he prepares for a time travel safari to kill a Tyrannosaurus Rex. They explain how tiny changes, such as killing a mouse, could have drastic ramifications in the future. As the T-Rex approaches, Eckles panics and, you guessed it, leaves the path. Travis wants to kill him on the spot, but Lesperance and a whimpering Eckles convince him otherwise. When they return to the year , Eckles is shocked to discover subtle changes in the air, in the room, and how words are spelled. He hears police whistles outside and learns that Deutscher has won the election. Eckles notices a dead butterfly on his boot and begs to go back in time so he can return it.

"A Sound of Thunder" Worksheet

Travis refuses to return and shoots Eckles in the back of the head. The constant warnings to stay off the path indicate that Eckles will leave the path. Elements of Science Fiction - Bradbury is a master of science fiction. The Butterfly Effect -Lesperance explains what the effects of killing something as small as a mouse would have thousands of years in the future. Suspense - Bradbury uses foreshadowing, dangerous action, and pacing to create suspense. Authoritarian Regimes - Eckles unwittingly brings a fascist to power. Characterization - Travis seems quite pleased with the results of the changed election results. Lesson Plan Analyze the elements of science fiction and have students write their own science fiction account.

A Sound Of Thunder | Four Levels

Use these tips for writing science fiction. Teach Cause and Effect with this essay lesson plan. Use a flow chart to chronicle the chain of events that causes words to be spelled differently, the air to be different, and for the election to change. Be creative. Bradbury gives a detailed description of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Read the description and assign students to draw the dinosaur. Bring in a photo of another animal—a mouse, for example—and instruct students to write their own description. Give each section a rating of stars. This post is part of the series: Teaching Short Stories in High School Teaching short stories forms an integral part of teaching high school English.

A Sound of Thunder Study Guide - Google Документи

An interactive data visualization of A Sound of Thunder's plot and themes. A voracious reader, Bradbury decided to become a writer around the age of After finishing high school, however, Bradbury could not afford to attend college and instead educated himself by reading at the public library. Bradbury was not drafted due to his poor vision and managed to become a full-time writer during the war. He published his first collection of short stories, Dark Carnival, in Bradbury published his best-known work, Fahrenheit , in Bradbury also wrote numerous screenplays and television adaptations of books, including his own works.

"A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury: Questions

He won many literary awards during his long career. Bradbury reportedly wrote daily throughout his life, allowing him to publish over 30 books and more than short stories. He passed away at the age of 91, leaving behind his daughters and several grandchildren. The United States, fresh from its conflict with Nazi Germany, now feared the expansion of the communist Soviet Union and the possibility of nuclear warfare.

what are the answers for a sound of thunder study guide, by mr allen? | Yahoo Answers

Summary Analysis In the year , Mr. Eckels enters the office of Time Safari, Inc. Eckels feels phlegm gather in his throat as he asks the company agent behind the reception desk whether the company guarantees he will come back alive. Although he is excited about the safari, even upon entering the office Mr. Eckels worries about the possibility of dying on the trip. As company policies lay out, however, there is no certain outcome to these trips. Active Themes Related Quotes with Explanations Eckels makes small talk with the company agent while waiting, discussing the recent presidential election in the United States. Eckels expresses relief that Keith was elected rather than Deutscher. This portion of the story introduces the theme of authoritarianism. The presidential election represents a classic conflict between American democracy and totalitarian regimes. The German name Deutscher hints at connections with Nazi Germany but many of the values described could also refer to American views on Soviet Russia during the Cold War.

A Sound of THunder reading questions

Eckels hesitates, his fingers twitching, but the agent continues the transaction. Further, Eckels hesitates and never clearly affirms his intent to go on the safari, but the process seems to move forward in the absence of a decision. This echoes the way his actions in the past will start a chain of events over which he ultimately has no control. Download The company agent hands Eckels over to the safari guide Mr. Travis, although it is unclear whether Eckels has actually stated that he would like to continue on the safari. The Time Machine begins to flash backwards through the years as the hunters and guides test out their oxygen and intercoms.

what are the answers for a sound of thunder study guide, by mr allen?

Eckels sits stiff and pale alongside Mr. Travis, fellow guide Lesperance, and two other hunters. Eckels appears filled with more than usual foreboding in this moment. He seems almost to have no agency, as if this adventure is happening to him rather than by his own choice. Active Themes Eckels nervously contemplates the rifles they all hold, tightly gripping his own gun. He counsels Eckels to shoot for the eyes and into the brain. Eckels continues to display his nervousness about the deadly potential of the prehistoric environment. He seeks control over the situation. Active Themes Eventually, the flashing of day and night outside comes to a halt, the sun standing still in the sky.

Teaching "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury: Lesson Plan & Discussion Topics

The fog gathered around the machine clears to reveal a prehistoric wilderness. Through the height of human technology, the hunters find themselves in the midst of a vast and wild natural environment. The stillness of this moment is anticipatory, building interest in the action yet to come. Active Themes Travis begins a speech emphasizing that the travelers are now far, far in the past, listing the historical figures who have not yet been born. He exhorts the hunters to stay on the metal Path that hovers over the ground in order to prevent stepping on any important plant or animal and disturbing the natural environment. He reminds the hunters that there is a huge fine for anyone who fails to obey the rules.

Sound Questions and Answers (Q&A)

His reminders to the hunters are a part of Time Safari, Inc. Active Themes Eckels expresses his confusion at the rules, prompting Travis to launch into a long explanation. The guide details a long list of potential blunders and their effects, such as stepping on one mouse and disrupting an entire future food chain. Crushing even the smallest life form, he explains, could disrupt ecological balance and change the future, not just of nature, but of human society.

Sound of Thunder Essay Guide

Eckels takes a somewhat adversarial role during this exchange, constantly questioning the connections that Travis draws between cause and effect. Travis demonstrates a firm grasp of the idea that small changes may snowball into huge unintended consequences. Eckels, meanwhile, remains fixated on what he perceives as the disproportionate relationship between tiny organisms and the broad arc of human history. Active Themes Related Quotes with Explanations Seemingly grasping the rules at last, Eckels asks which animals are okay to shoot. Lesperance explains that the party can safely shoot the specific animal he has previously marked for them, because he has already traveled back in time to find a creature that would have died of some accident within minutes after the hunt regardless.

a sound of thunder answer key

Hearing this, Eckels reasons that Lesperance must know about the success or failure of the expedition. The guide explains that there is no way to know because one cannot meet oneself while traveling through time. Time Safari Inc. After all, they may be picking a creature destined to die, but who is to say that shooting the dinosaur will not cause it to fall slightly differently, and land on an insect or a flower that would otherwise have played a crucial role in history? Active Themes Eckels messes about with his gun a bit while waiting and Travis scolds him not to aim at anything but the dinosaur. Lesperance signals that the T. Eckels begins to muse on the incongruity of a moment when neither the new president nor any of the people celebrating exist yet. Soon the forest goes quiet, and the T. Eckels is transfixed when he comes face to face with the creature. Observing its massive, machine-like body, he proclaims it impossible to kill and wishes to retreat.

Story Symbolism: A Sound of Thunder

In the lead up to the encounter with the dinosaur, Eckels acts excited, almost playful. He marvels at the strange circumstances. Travis, on the other hand, braces for a serious encounter. The T. Active Themes Related Quotes with Explanations Travis tries to silence Eckels, then directs him to wait in the Time Machine and promises to refund half his fee. Instead, dazed and unable to follow directions, Eckels wanders off the path while the guides and the other two hunters shoot at the dinosaur bearing down on them. Despite the fearsome sight it presents, the T.

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