Answer To Sell Me This Pen

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Sell me this pen. Sooner or later, an interviewer will reach into his pocket, pull out a pen and ask you to hit him with your very best pitch - "sell me this pen". One recruit nails it — supposedly — by taking the pen and asking DiCaprio to sign his name. When asked about the pen, the real-life Belfort says the movie gets it all wrong. The question is actually a trap, and it lets Belfort tell the rookies from the real sales stars. The novice makes it all about the pen. The pen writes under water and upside-down. Plus, it's mightier than the sword! In other words, the novice talks about the pen. The seasoned professional knows better. The best approach, then, starts with questions, not statements. When do you use a pen?

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Expert's Corner: 8 Ways To Sell A Pen Like A Pro! - Smash The Sales Interview

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Sell Me This Pen – How To Answer

Example answers to use in an interview During an interview, you may find that the interviewer asks you to sell them a pen or maybe one of their products to get an understanding of your sales skills and the strategies you choose to apply to your pitch. You can use this question to demonstrate your persuasion and customer empathy abilities as well. Asking a candidate to pitch a product, particularly something as ordinary as a pen, is an ideal way of identifying those core skills. In addition to demonstrating your sales capabilities, an interviewer wants to see how quickly and persuasively you respond. First, list only the most important and most applicable features Listing the features of a product provides the customer with why the product is useful. You could focus instead on the non-bleed properties of the ink as that feature is more universal. Asking these types of questions can help you tailor your pitch to their individual needs.

‘Sell me this pen:’ The real answer to The Wolf of Wall Street’s challenge

Fifth, let the customer get acquainted with the product Close your pitch with the part that resonated with them the most. If they connected with the product mostly because of its practicality, then suggest they try the product. If they told you they recently lost their favorite pen, tell them this pen is very special and would make an excellent replacement. Seventh, keep trying to make the sale The interviewer may want to challenge you by being unreceptive to your qualifying questions or ignore your attempts to create an emotional appeal. Keep talking to them confidently and demonstrate how you would respond if a customer was resistant. Instead, the employer is interested in your sales process, the verbal and non-verbal techniques you use as well as your communication skills, enthusiasm and creativity. How often do you use a pen? What did you like most about what it offered? How did you feel the pen let you down?

“Sell Me This Pen” How to Answer This Interview Question

Which qualifying questions you choose to ask may depend on their answers to the initial question. Be sure to listen closely to their answers, and use your problem-solving and empathy skills to select the next best question to gather the most applicable information for your pitch. This demonstrates to the interviewer that you have confidence in your product and an eye for detail.

How to answer the ‘sell me this pen/pencil’ question in a job interview

This answer also showcases your techniques when closing a sale, which a hiring manager will want to identify when asking this question. Search for:.

How Best to Answer "Sell Me This Pen" at Interview

Updated April 14, Published April 14, This article was published more than 6 years ago. Some information in it may no longer be current. In the last few moments of the film, Leonardo DiCaprio, portraying Jordan Belfort — the s penny stock broker, who went to prison on charges of fraud and stock market manipulation for orchestrating a massive pump and dump scheme at his New York firm Stratton Oakmont — asks a room full of salesmen at a seminar to sell him a pen. DiCaprio hands a pen to one salesman, who begins describing it: "It's an amazing pen DiCaprio takes the pen from the salesman, hands it to another and repeats the challenge. Again, the salesman describes the pen's finer features and Mr. DiCaprio moves on. Read Grant Robertson's interview with Jordan Belfort: The real-life 'Wolf of Wall Street' is an unlikely advocate of ethics Story continues below advertisement So what is the correct response?

How to Answer "Sell Me This Pen" In an Interview (With Examples)

Earlier in the film, Mr. Belfort is portrayed giving the same challenge to friends clip contains profanity he has hired to work at the startup firm. Sitting in a diner, one man takes the pen and tells Mr. Dicaprio, as Mr. Belfort, to write his name down. Having just handed over his pen, Mr. DiCaprio, replies that he doesn't have a pen. Exactly, the man replies, "Supply and demand. Belfort in an interview. The actual answer to "Sell me this pen," doesn't show up in the film.

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Because when you say to a salesman, 'Sell me this pen,' you might find some will say to you, 'This is a great pen, this pen writes upside down. It defies gravity, this pen is the cheapest pen on earth, this pen will never run out. But that's not what the real answer is. How often do they use a pen? Do they like to use a pen formally, to sign things, or use it in their everyday life? The first idea is that when you say 'Sell me this pen,' I want to hear [the salesman] ask me a question. And if you do that, people don't know what to do. Next thing, he is answering, and now I'm controlling the conversation, finding out exactly what he needs.

Sell Me This Pen: How to answer the key sales job interview question

Let me tell you what it's about…' Then you can tell them about what you have, because you're filling a need. Most average or newbie salespeople think that they're supposed to sell you the pen, when a really seasoned salesperson will actually turn it into a qualifying session to find out what you need. That's the truth of it. It's like trying to sell someone a house and you don't know if they're in the market for a house, what kind of house they want, how many kids — so how can you sell someone a house? That's the point. Check your Following feed daily, and never miss an article. Access your Following feed from your account menu at the top right corner of every page. Follow the author of this article:.

"Sell Me This Pen": The Best Ways to Answer This Tricky Interview Question

Even Jordan Belfort the real-life Wolf admits as much. So what is the purpose of asking this question at a job interview? A sales person needs to be able to start with the customer to build and develop a genuine relationship of understanding and help. Can they perform on demand: Since this question creates a role play scenario, the interviewer can see how easily the candidate slips into selling mode and how comfortable they are in doing so. How they think on their feet: This role play allows the interviewer to alter the course of the conversation and to test whether the sales person has the ability to regain control and navigate towards their end goal. Can they communicate clearly: Communication is key to sales. A sales person needs to be able to communicate an idea clearly and effectively to their prospect and to rephrase and simplify if required. This also shows if they can build up a good rapport with their prospect and leverage off good will to progress the sale.

How to Get The “Sell Me This Pen” Task Right During an Interview

A sales person who can demonstrate a genuine understanding of these, shows that they understand sales. The next question for you, is to discover how to get a sales person to demonstrate these qualities? If the sales person can demonstrate a clear and focused approach to selling, this can be applied to anything, even an ashtray , as Zig Ziglar famously demonstrated. You do however, need to be cautious of anyone who starts listing off features or making outrageous claims it is your pen after all so you know what it can and cannot do. This main thing you need to realize is that the pen is not the point of this exercise Any sales person worth their salt will start by asking questions to build up a profile of you, their prospective customer and to develop an understanding of if the pen is suitable or not.

3 best ways to answer the ‘Sell me this pen.’ question in interviews!

Problem: Probing questions trying to identify problems, points of dissatisfaction or general difficulties that the prospect has. Implications: More in-depth probing for the consequences of a problem or the point of dissatisfaction based on information gained from previous questions. Need-payoff: Need questions uncover the core need or buying realization for the prospect. Here are some great approaches to answering this question: 1. Create a rapport and get the prospect talking about themselves Mira Zaslove begins by questioning the prospect about their role, bringing it around to identifying the issues around pen ownership and finally, attaching an emotional value with the physical handling of the pen to seal the deal: Ask the person what they do: helps you to understand the person to whom you are selling to, how they will use your product — if they are in management then they probably sign important documents and checks.

The dreaded interview question: Sell me this pen / apple / shirt / water bottle

Listening to them here will give you the background information and hints you will need to efficiently persuade them to buy the pen. Acknowledge how important their job is and get them talking about the last time they used a pen: Link the importance of their job to their use of your product. Gauge their reaction to the usefulness of the pen and the power it wields. Highlight an emotional use for the pen: In step 2 you sold them on the importance and practical uses of your product. Now in the next step, sell them on the emotional benefits of your product. Using the pen for writing a handwritten note. Tell them a story. Highlight how you have started writing your spouse, parents, and friends handwritten notes. Get them thinking about someone in their life that they appreciate, and that they would like to thank. Make an emotional and personal connection with the pen. The handwritten card and bright blue signed ink can be their trademark. Hand them back the pen and close the deal: Close with connecting to the things that they connected most strongly to.

What are some of the best responses to “Sell me this pen” in a job interview?

As you can see from the dialogue above, the sales person begins by asking questions about the potential client, learning as much about them as possible. Questions are probing the customer and you can take the response and make your next move right after. In this case it ends up with the sales person tying an emotional value to the pen for selling it. The sales person begins by asking questions about the potential client, learning as much about them as possible 2. The next example shows the conversation develop towards needing the pen for their job, tying the importance of the role to other important people. The prospect associates with this and responds positively: CEO: Do me a favor, sell me this pen. When was the last time you used a pen?

How to Answer ‘sell me this pen!’ in an Interview

CEO: This morning. Me: Do you remember what kind of pen that was? CEO: No. Me: Do you remember why you were using it to write? CEO: Yes. Signing a few new customer contracts. What I mean by that is, here you are signing new customer contracts, an important and memorable event. All while using a very unmemorable pen. We grew up, our entire lives, using cheap BIC pens because they get the job done for grocery lists and directions. This is the pen for more important events. This is the tool you use to get deals done. Think of it as a symbol for taking your company to the next level. Because when you begin using the right tool, you are in a more productive state of mind, and you begin to sign more new customer contracts. You know what? Unfortunately, this is my last pen today reach across to hand pen back to CEO. So, I suggest you get this one. Try it out. What do you say? CEO: picks jaw up off floor Yes. Interviewer: Yes. Sales person: What are your most important goals in life?

Best Interview Answers for Sell Me this Pen

Interviewer: To be happy and productive. Sales person: Did you know that the first and most important step to achieving your goals is to write them down on paper? Were you aware that every successful person from Bill Gates to Warren Buffet begin all of their planning for success with the simple act of writing their goals down? Interviewer: I have heard that. Sales person: Would writing down your goals right now bring you closer to achieving your own personal success? Do you believe that? Interviewer: Possibly Sales person: How much would being measurably closer to achieving your life goals be worth to you?

"Sell Me This Pen" How to Answer This Interview Question - NESC Staffing

I will take that amount right now in return for this pen so you can write them down and be closer to a happy productive life — right now. How not to answer the question: As well as some of the great answers above, there are some certain ways not to answer it! Another sure way to avoid is fire. A great sales person will focus on identifying and understanding the biggest problem facing their prospect. And once they have done this, the sale is the natural result. This exchange should leave both the buyer and seller feeling that a relationship has been developed regardless of the sale. Looking for a proven sales tool to help you close more deals?

Sell Me This Pen: How To Drop Mouths With The Perfect Answer

In the final scene, Jordan Belfort stands onstage before an audience, and an expectant hush fills the room. He takes a deep breath. Considers the audience. Steps down, walks forward, picks one person in his seat. So he moves to the next person, trying again. If you jump right into following the command, you fail. Sell better by knowing when recipients read your emails, click links, and view attachments. Trusted by over 1 million sales professionals to improve close rates. Install for Gmail or Outlook in less than 60 seconds. Download a free trial today. All features are not created equal in the eye of the beholder. And we all value those differently. If we want a smooth roll that lasts for use after use, we need function that lasts through frequent writing.

The Best Way to Answer “Sell Me This Pen” Right Now

You do this through asking questions. Without knowing their situation, wants, and values, you become a show-person. Why bother narrating features they can see for themselves? How often do they use a pen? When did you last use a pen? What were you doing? If fashion: What do you want people to think of you? If function: What do you use a pen to do throughout any given day? How often do you need a new pen? Example answers: seeing one you like in the store, running out of ink, losing the cap How much does cost matter to you? Tell me about a pen that really pisses you off. You can later tie this back to the end picture you paint. The mere act of asking a question increases your persuasiveness in two important ways: Sharing our opinions gives us pleasure Researchers at Harvard University have discovered that sharing about ourselves is intrinsically rewarding. Barack Obama and George W.

How to Answer Sell Me this Pen in an Interview

As you can see, activity in the reward center of our brain is stronger when we share info about ourselves vs. Their mind will focus solely on giving answers and the emotions those answers create. We are biologically incapable of processing attention-rich inputs simultaneously. Selling over email? Get notified when recipients read your emails, click links, and view attachments. From there, you still need to sell. Summarize the problem or need At this point, you switch from listen-mode to talk-mode. Put the problem statements together into a situation they want to get out of. Capture their attention with a transition statement Then, you need a strong one-line statement to move from the present-day need to the future solution.

How to Answer, ‘Sell Me This Pen’ Interview Question

Paint the solution The end benefits of the pen Here, you use a creative spin that makes them think of the product or service in a new light. Pro Tip: Focus on painting the problem-free future first. Then, describe the pen and how it achieves that for them. You think of Bic as a pretty standard pen, right? Well, the company turned that on its head with ads they released a few years back.

The dreaded interview question: Sell me this pen / apple / shirt / water bottle | Barnsley College

The ads show that the distance is equal to two Tower Bridges or six Eiffel towers or four Empire State buildings : Source: Plentyofcolour. So, I suggest you get this one. Try it out. Write your name down on that napkin for me. Brad: Exactly. Supply and demand, my friend. It means you settle on one question and transition to sell from there. Below are three examples: Giving them access to their idol Them: Sell me this pen. Them: Really Famous Person. You: Really Famous Person just gave me this pen [holds on flat palms]. Do you want to buy it? You: If you could have any superpower, what would you want? Are you in? Them: This Really Important Thing. Yeah, I get that. Which is why I brought you this… [puts pen on the table or hand firmly but carefully]. I know what you think — but no. Pens just write. This remembers. Whenever you need to do something in the future, just ask it to remind you.

How to answer the "sell me this pen/pencil" question in a job interview

It can be awkward. Step 1. Ask the person what they do You want to understand what kind of person you are selling to. How will they use your product? If they are in management, they probably sign important documents and checks. Listening to them will give you background and hints as to how to most effectively persuade them to buy this pen. Step 2. Acknowledge how important their job is and get them talking about the last time they used a pen Link their job importance to their use of your product. Signing checks is important. Their signature is important and should look strong. Highlight a feature of the pen you are selling, and associate it with a signature fitting for the work they are doing.

Sell Me This Pen: How to Answer the Old-School Sales Question in Today’s World

Gauge their reaction to the usefulness of the pen and the power it wields. Step 3. Highlight an emotional use for the pen In step 2 you sold them on the importance and practical uses of your product. Now in the next step, sell them on the emotional benefits of your product. Using the pen for writing a handwritten note. Tell them a story. Highlight how you have started writing your spouse, parents, and friends handwritten notes. Get them thinking about someone in their life that they appreciate, and that they would like to thank. Make an emotional and personal connection with the pen. The handwritten card and bright blue signed ink can be their trademark. Step 4. Hand them back the pen and close the deal Close with connecting to the things that they connected most strongly to. This post was originally published on Quora.

Sell Me This Pen - How To Answer

Interviewers ask this question to analyze your sales skills and techniques under pressure. In this article, we discuss why interviewers ask questions like these, and how to improve your sales technique so you can sell any product to any individual. We also explain what to avoid in your response, tips on how to respond in a sales interview and two sample answers to help you craft your own pen sales pitch. Related: 12 Tough Interview Questions and Answers How to improve your "sell me this pen" techniques The following section explains ways you can develop your sales techniques for selling a pen—or any other product—in a job interview: Consider what the interviewer is trying to do.

How to Answer: Sell Me This Pen

In asking you to "sell me this pen," the interviewer is not trying to confuse you. Instead, they are trying to learn how well you gather, respond and deliver information about the pen, and how well you are able to conclude the pitch with a persuasive statement. Research about your interviewer before the interview. Before the interview, do some research on the person you are interviewing with. What is their position?

Best Interview Answers for Sell Me this Pen | Cleverism

What does a search reveal about their job responsibilities? Both of these can be used when crafting a response to "sell me this pen. Perhaps the most beneficial way to improve your answer is to practice with a friend. Have them pose as the interviewer and ask you to sell them a pen. Get their advice on how to enhance your response and rehearse your answer more than once. This is not an optional activity. This is an important part of the interview for both you and the interviewer. Saying that you are not comfortable or don't know how to answer might not help your job prospects with a particular company. Try to be optimistic and willing to give it a chance. Don't focus solely on the pen's features. You need to focus more on how the pen can help someone and their specific needs.

Sell Me This Pen - Key Sales Job Interview Question | Shimmering Careers

An important part of answering "sell me this pen" is to be positive. An interviewer wants to see how you react to sudden changes. Try to maintain an enthusiastic attitude to demonstrate to the interviewer that you are calm under pressure. Ask direct questions. Asking the interviewer questions about their experience with pens or how they use them in their daily lives can help you gain ideas on how to proceed with the sales pitch. Relate the pen to a larger concept or idea. By relating the pen and its importance to a larger concept or life event, you are expanding upon its obvious benefits as a writing tool and demonstrating increased value to your audience. Relate the pen to the interviewer's specific needs. Once you have gotten the chance to ask the interviewer about their experience using pens, you can start directing the pitch toward their specific needs.

SELL ME THIS PEN : Best answer to the Interview Question

Consider their job responsibilities or personal lives in how you craft your response. Close by asking them to purchase the pen. An important part of a sales pitch can be trying to close the pitch with a new customer. Try to organically incorporate it into the end of your pitch with a positive statement that makes them want to say "yes. Example 1 You: "If you don't mind my asking, when was the last time you used a pen? I had to go all the way back to my office to retrieve a new one. As the backbone of this company, you are always running around, in and out of meetings, am I correct? This pen here holds up the pen will not give out on you. It has a refillable ink compartment and each buyer will receive 10 free ink refills with their purchase. That's enough ink to operate this pen for two years or more. So what do you say?

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