National Latin Exam Rankings

[FREE] National Latin Exam Rankings

A those people B these things C that woman D to these men The correct answer is B because "haec" means "these" and is in the accusative plural. A is B was C had been D will be The correct answer is D because futurum esse is the future infinitive of "sum". A write B written C about to write D to be written The correct answer is D because it is a future participle and is translated as future passive. A very good B very large C very small D very bad The correct answer is D because "pessimus" is the superlative of "malus", meaning bad.

Files related to National Latin Exam Rankings

Awards and Recognition

What would someone most likely say to a friend whom he has not seen for a long time? The correct answer is D because it means "What's new? None of the other choices make sense. The treasurer of the company is a member of the finance committee on the basis of his position. A ex officio B in absentia C sine die D pro tempore The correct answer is A because it means "out of duty", which has to do with one's position. Where would Roman soldiers gather to exercise or train? The power of magic reveals the true character of a man. IX What did Gyges find line 2? A sheep B a body C a box D armor The correct answer is B because in line 2, "corpus hominis magnitudine inusitata invenit" translates to "he found a human body of unusual size". What was unusual about what he found? A the location B the size C the smell D the color The correct answer is B because in line 2, "magnitudine inusitata" translates to "of unusual size".

What object did Gyges remove line 3? A a gleaming sword B a curved horn C a golden ring D a leather sandal The correct answer is C because in line , "In digito huius hominis fuit anulus aureus quem Gyges extraxit" translates to "On the finger of this man was a gold ring which Gyges took". What did Gyges do with this object line 3? A he put it on himself B he hid it C he showed it off D he worshipped it The correct answer is A because in line 3, "et in suo digito posuit" means "and he put it on his finger".

Millburn High School Students Achieve in World Language Exams

In line 4, suam refers to A the king B Gyges C the sheep D the gem The correct answer is B because "ad suam palmam" means "to his palm". What advantage did this object give Gyges lines ? A riches B strength C invisibility D wisdom The correct answer is C because in line 4 "Gyges a nullo videbatur" refers to when he put the ring on, and translates to "Gyges was seen by none". What position in Lydia did Gyges acquire line 8?

Adelphi University

A king B richest man C wisest man D greatest general The correct answer is A because, in line 8, "sic statim pastor factus est rex Lydiae" translates to "so soon the shepherd was made king of Lydia". Lydiae tells us that this happened A happily B suspiciously C chaotically D immediately The correct answer is D because "sic statim" means "so soon". C Are we able? D How can we? The correct answer is C because possumus means we are able, and -ne introduces a question. According to lines , a wise man A searches for ways to help others B acts honestly when there are no witnesses C treats others as he would like to be treated D learns from his past mistakes The correct answer is B because, in lines , "vir sapiens semper bonus vir est etiam si nemo eum obserare potest" means "a wise man is always a good man even if no one is able to observe".

National Winners

Visit the main Alumni Updates pag e for more updates received this year. By my retirement in , there were nine full-time Latin teachers in the county. Honored five times as teacher of the year in my county , , , , and , I taught the most wonderful students in the world. During the latter years of my career, I served on the writing committee of the National Latin Exam helping to create and edit the annual exams. Since my retirement from the classroom in , I continue to tutor privately and have the privilege of meeting regularly with two other retired Spotsylvania County Latin teachers to read together Latin which we have neither taught nor read previously. In these tough economic times when school budgets and programs are being cut to the bone, I pray that Latin will NOT suffer and that young teachers with enthusiasm, knowledge and determination will continue to attract and edify our youth with all the positive things that study of Latin provides.

Patriot Press

I use the term "University" loosely as they do not have a Classics department and do not regularly have courses in Latin, Greek, ancient history etc. Harold Washington ' "Hi everyone. I have nice memories of my classmates and professors in Classics. Mary Addamiano Redline ' is teaching Latin part-time at Parkland High School and works for the Lutheran seminary, for which she was able to secure funding for historic preservation projects.

Liane Houghtalin (lhoughta)

Every student in grade 7 and above chooses a language French, Latin, Mandarin, or Spanish to study, and each April, our students participate in the national French, Latin, and Spanish exams, which are taken by students across the country. We are thrilled to see our students thrive in learning various languages. In , approximately 75, students in public, private, and parochial schools took the exam, as well as students in American schools abroad and those who are home-schooled. Take a look below and please remember to congratulate them. Platinum Medalist 1st in the nation : Andy F. This year, the exam was taken by over , students from all 50 states and 24 foreign countries. It is a prestigious exam and the largest of its kind in the United States, with over , students participating in We are very proud of our students and want to share with you the amazing results. Congratulations to several Spanish students who attained national recognition in their level for excellent performance on the National Spanish Examinations.

Alumni Updates: Class Years 1970-79

Author Julie Huynh 0 Jason Chan excited and surprised that he is receiving an award. Pictures by Brandon Wong. There are four levels of awards for the NLE. The awards are centered around the national average score for the exam level. Cum Laude certificates are given to students who score points above average. Magna Cum Laude certificates go to students who score points above average. Silver medals and a Maxima Cum Laude certificate go to students points above average. Gold medals and Summa Cum Laude certificates go to students points above average. These students usually only miss questions total. Photo by Branden Wong. The ceremony ended with everyone playing several rounds of Quizlet Live consisting of Latin vocabulary that the students studied over the course of the year.

National Latin Exam Awards

Overall, it was a very positive experience for all Latin students and rewarding for them to see the progress they have made. On top of being a reporter and a member of the managing team, Huynh is also vice president of her class and an active participant in Feminism Club, along with several other youth organizations. In her free time, she likes to journal, watch horror movies and listen to Taylor Swift. View all posts by Julie Huynh Post navigation.


Those who apply and are accepted must agree to take at least one course per semester of Latin or classical Greek in their first year of college. A course in classics translation does not meet this requirement. The Linda S. The scholarship was developed in honor of Jane Harriman Hall, founder of the National Latin Exam, in order to continue her efforts to bring high quality Latin instruction to students throughout the U. See the ACL's public statement of October Information and Application As a "founding mother" and long-time writer of the NLE, Christine Sleeper was well-known for her adventurous spirit and her love of travel. The Sally R. Applicants must be college seniors or other professionals who are seeking a graduate degree. NLE values individual privacy and we want to give our website visitors the opportunity to know what information we collect about them and how they can limit the use of personally-identifiable information beyond the purposes for which they first provided it.

National Latin Exam Award Ceremony

Tres bien! Muy bueno! Students excel in national foreign language exams At Monday's Morning Meeting a number of girls were recognized for their outstanding performance on various national language examinations administered earlier this year. Foreign Language Chair Mme. Brown was especially excited about the excellent results among her French students, four of whom earned national rankings. More than , students took this on-line test this year. From those results, a national average score aka the 50th percentile was established and students who scored better than this average, falling into a higher percentile, received honors. Dragan and Mr. This test is offered under the joint sponsorship of the American Classical League and the National Junior Classical League and more than , students from all 50 states and 13 foreign countries participated this year. Robyn Low '10 and Sophie Queler '12 each earned Plata honors.

National Latin Exam

Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. This compensation does not influence our school rankings, resource guides, or other editorially-independent information published on this site. Got it! Private day schools are popular options for families seeking a high-quality education. Students receive a world-class education while maintaining their residence with their families. A great private day school—that is, a private high school without boarding facilities—will challenge students to achieve not only academic success, but personal success as well. The rankings below have been compiled on the basis of a number of factors.

Michigan State Spartan Athletics

In terms of academic excellence, the schools on the following list maintain a superior level of instruction, quality relationships with top-tier colleges, and additional academic awards and honors. The majority of students who attend these day schools attend Ivy League universities or the colleges just underneath the Ivies in college ranking materials.

Memoria Press Guide to the National Latin Exam: Level I (Beginning Latin Exam)

Because diversity of the student body is integral to preparing students for living and working in a connected, global society, we factor this into our criteria for the rankings. The diversity of a student population, as well as opportunities to connect to the world, are telling factors of a school's commitment to preparing its students for the world outside of the school environment. The third aspect assessed for this listing consists of intangible factors, such as innovative degree programs in the arts, current student satisfaction with their high school, quality and experience of the faculty, or modern lab or athletic facilities.

The 50 Best Private Day Schools in the United States

Also, we have striven for as much geographical diversity as is consistent with our other criteria. Note about boarding schools: Schools that receive day students along with boarding students will be included in a follow-up article on boarding schools. This article focuses on private high schools that do not provide boarding facilities. Note about tuition: The tuition price comes from the most current figure posted on the school's websites. Most of the numbers listed are exclusive of textbooks, lunches, and other fees. In addition to housing a full Classics department, Trinity also offers a huge array of special programs to ensure that students develop their interests outside the classroom. Founded in , Roxbury Latin is one the oldest, operating private schools in the country.

NLE Latin II Test Review - National Latin Exam Project

Its rankings speak to its rigorous academic preparation and excellent faculty. For a small school, the musical groups on campus are impressive: a glee club, an a capella group, a junior chorus, a jazz band, and various chamber ensembles are available for student participation. Thorndike, educator James B. Forty-four percent of the student body is comprised of students of color. The school encourages its students to take advantage of its many study abroad and exchange programs, which include countries like India, China, and Vietnam, as well as the more traditional European study abroad destinations. The school also has a thriving arts program. Horace Mann seeks to educate the whole person inside and outside of the classroom: In addition to offering an assortment of co-curricular activities, students are required to pass a swim test, learn CPR, and complete community service hours as part of their graduation requirements.

National German Exam scores please Boynton’s classes - The Madison Record | The Madison Record

Winsor enrolls approximately students from diverse cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. For further enrichment, the school offers off-campus programs, exchanges to China and France, and semesters at the Mountain School in Vermont. The highly-selective admissions process guarantees a high-caliber student upon entrance, which typically results in these students' becoming freshmen at the nation's top colleges students from College Prep have become Stanford students upon graduation during the last five years alone.

What Your Child Needs to Study Before the National Latin Exam Next Month

Students participate in Intraterm each year, a specialized program for enrichment the week before spring break. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of the school's prime New York City location by enrolling in CITYterm, which uses the Manhattan cityscape as its classroom. Kennedy, Jr. The English Department hosts an array of classes focusing on literature from specific regions around the world. Upper School students can choose from among 40 clubs and activities. A distinguishing feature of the school is its focus on character education and ethical leadership, which is built into the curriculum.

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H-W allows for directed study and independent study. Travel is encouraged, both abroad or domestically at the Mountain School or the High Mountain Institute. The plan comprises three parts Home, Assignment, and Lab , as well as programs designed to meet a student's individual needs. Seniors stay busy at Dalton: On top of the senior initiative and project, the school mandates an internship program in the senior year to give students hands-on experience for post-grad life. All students attend school under one roof to maintain a sense of continuity and community.

Accomplishments / Accomplishments

Chapin has an extensive network of partnerships for students to complete summer internships, including a partnership with the Foreign Policy Association. Students may also enroll in an elective service-learning course that is designed to incorporate meaningful community service into teaching and learning about civic responsibility and social issues. Not only does PDS more than adequately prepare students for the best colleges in the country, it incorporates a number of special programs to nurture the student as a complete individual. - Nle: The National Latin Exam

In keeping with its spiritual values, Germantown Friends does not calculate GPA for class rank and does not have a Valedictorian or Salutatorian. Instead, graduating classes elect a faculty member and a classmate to deliver ceremonial speeches. NCS was built before the National Cathedral itself, and maintains its heritage through weekly chapel services by school division and ecumenical, thematic Friday services. Thirty-five percent of the student body is made up of students of color. Athletic participation, which includes dance and yoga classes as well as outdoor recreation, is mandatory for all students. Ambassador Susan Rice and U. The school was founded in by Professor John Dewey, one of the foremost philosophers, educators, and public intellectuals in America's history. Students learn about cultural, communicative ethics, and civility education, and participate in an outstanding World Languages program.

The Lion's Roar

Students at the Lab School are known for their excellence in scholastic journalism, as well. Awards, Ranking, Alumni, Tuition: Ranked 4 in the nation for its record of sending graduates to elite colleges and universities Alumni include U. All students participate in community service projects; seniors complete short internships prior to graduation as a graduation requirement. To prepare students for the world beyond academia, Collegiate weaves both economics education and global education into its entire curriculum.

News & Announcements

Recently, Collegiate initiated a Global Education Mission, creating partnerships with schools in China, India, Mexico, and Spain, and expanded its oral proficiency requirements for foreign language study. It is also home to the International Emerging Leaders Conference. Andrew's Episcopal School, which is located just north of Jackson, Mississippi and should not be confused with several other schools of the same name in other states , is an independent, co-ed, college prep school for students in grades pre-K through Andrew's consistently leads the state in the percentage of National Merit Semi-finalists.

+ Students Earn National Foreign Language Awards

In addition to a fine academic tradition, St. Andrew's students grow as individuals in a variety of ways, one of which is that they complete an astounding hours of community service projects before graduation. The school has established a focus on global studies through the St. In addition to its commitment to academic excellence, Delbarton promotes the values of cooperative living in a global society. Through its study abroad programs, notable international guest speakers, and an award-winning Model U. Historically, two-thirds of each graduating class is recognized by the National Merit Scholar program. The school views community service as an integral part of developing the whole person; therefore, students are required to complete 70 hours of service by the beginning of their junior years. Additionally, the school mandates that students participate in the on-campus Jobs Program, in which students sign up to complete a variety of practical, common tasks on a regular basis.

General Information

Lakeside has one of the most diverse student populations, with over half of the student body comprised of students of color. The history of engaging students in global affairs dates back to the famous chess match against Moscow School students. Run by the Jesuit order, Regis combines a commitment to academic excellence with a focus on religiously guided values. All students receive a tuition-free education. While Rye Country Day has a consistent rate of students who matriculate into top-tier schools, it also maintains a deep commitment to community service. Diversity also plays a prominent role on campus: Out of the many co-curricular clubs and activities Rye offers, nine are student clubs that promote diversity on the campus. The school requires a Senior Term mandatory graduation project. The school was among the first private schools to wave goodbye to the College Board's AP courses.

News Detail

This was done so that teachers could design even more challenging coursework and students could initiate projects, internships, investigative research, and global experiences. However, students may elect to take the AP exams. The three separate campuses are located within a few miles of each other in the western part of Cambridge, between the Charles River and historic Mt. Auburn Cemetery.

ACL/NJCL National Latin Examination Scholarships

Miron, Thierry Arrieta, 3rd in state, Dr. Tator, and Ken Rizzuti Dr. Adrienne Tator, Language Chair, and Dr. Bill Miron, Principal Dr. Maria Pinto, a senior, ranked first in the state in both Spanish and French. Students are recognized if they score above the 75th percentile. At the high school, Olesia Bilash, a 9th grade student, also earned Gold medal status, awarded to those who score at or above the 95th percentile.

National Latin Exam - Wikipedia

In the National French Contest, or Le Grand Concours, given by the American Association of Teachers of French, student scores are ranked nationally and by state, according to the level of French they study i. Edward Garbade, a Level 4 student, ranked 3rd in the state and 5th in the nation. Their Italian teacher is Michele Giovinazzo.

Best universities in Latin America | Student

Freshman Elinor Winstanley earned a perfect score 40 in the National Latin Exam, in Intro to Latin, for which she received a certificate of achievement, a ribbon, and a special letter of congratulations from the NLE Committee. Students who scored from earned Certificates of Outstanding Achievement and a ribbon. Kirsten Grossman, Shweta Raghu and Aileen Zhu, earned magna cum laude certificates as third place winners, and Elizabeth Petra and Hannah Silverman earned cum laude certificates for fourth place.

FTHS Students Recognized for Scores on National Latin Exam – Patriot Press

Anne McMillan is their Latin teacher. Adrienne Tator, Supervisor of World Languages, says, "The World Languages Department in the Millburn School District is winning, integrative, collaborative with a shared purpose and has certainly attained global sustainability, especially through the successful results of National Exams. We are ready for the future, which is now!

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